For over 100 years, the University Catholic Center has served the spiritual needs of countless UCLA students, faculty and staff. Education happens both inside and outside the classroom, and the UCC is committed to helping you grow in all dimensions of your life.
Campus Ministry can be a vibrant aspect of College life. We provide spiritual resources for personal growth and community life. We offer a variety of opportunities for you to learn more about your faith, to build friendships, or to volunteer.
The celebration of the Eucharist in our Chapel is the heart of our spiritual life. You may want to become involved in one of our liturgical ministries, attend a retreat, or just stop in to talk with someone on our Campus Ministry staff. Prayer groups, discussion groups, and opportunities for interfaith dialogue are also provided. Getting involved in our programs and activities will be a way to develop your gifts, explore values and moral issues, expand your ideas, and serve others.
We would like to play a part in your college experience, and hope you will share your talents, passions and ideas with us. College life is bound to have its share of exciting and, perhaps, anxious moments. We want you to know that we are here to assist you in any way we can. This is your Catholic home at UCLA!