UCC's Social Justice committee strives to serve those in need through a variety of ways.
Education - Engaging with our sisters and brothers in order to learn more about our similarities and differences.
Service - Addressing both the direct and systemic needs of all people in order to uplift the dignity and work of all people.
Advocacy - Standing up and acting for all God's Children who voice has been silenced, ignored, or overwhelmed.
Some ways we have tried to accomplish these objectives in the past is by having speakers come to the UCC to teach us about issues such as human trafficking, doing outreach for communities of unhoused persons, mission trips, dialogs with political and community leaders, humanitarian efforts, and joining in a variety of justice events from pro-life to racial justice to immigrant policy reform.
This year, we plan to have direct hands-on and hearts-in contact with our local brothers and sisters who are in need. We endeavor to collaborate with various outlets so that our partnering might make a difference in the local community. And, we are using the Christmas theme of generosity as our motivator and girder for all of our action items. We look to employ this generosity in crafting an encounter of the other that is mutually beneficial, rather than transactional or one-sided. Among our events we hope to plan are:
* A Campus Blood Drive that will aid the growing need for blood and provide giftcards for our people who are hungry to enjoy a good Thanksgiving.
* Singing Christmas Carols to the residents of our neighboring Assisted Living community and sharing stories of faith and life with one another.
* Creating a stock of handwritten prayer cards that will go into giftbags filled with donated hygiene and sustenance items that we will distribute as part of a community gathering with our brothers and sisters who are unhoused.
We do not seek to do this alone but also join and support other groups affiliated with the UCC who also seek to accomplish this same mission, and we could use your help.
Please prayerfully consider joining our events by signing up below to receive emails!